Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Research Report free essay sample

This research project is dedicated to my parents Kipkirui Arap Chepkwony and Tapsabei Chepkwony for their prayers and support, my brothers Alexander, Joseph, Philip, Alfred, Charles, David, Julius, Edwin, Bernard and all my siblings for giving me a chance to be a role model and for inspiring me towards further studies. I thank my supervisors Dr. Harriet Kidombo and Dr. Christopher Gakuu for being there for me whenever I requested for clarifications and for their wise counsel. I am also indebted to Prof. Maitho, Prof. Prokariyal, Prof.Macharia and Ms Patricia Muchiri for guiding me in correcting my proposal and towards completing my research project. I cannot forget to thank my colleagues Eddah Biegon and Walter Koech for enabling me to access research materials. I am also grateful to my wife Nelly Cheptoo, Clement Lelei, Justus Sang, Simon Ouko, Janet Mutai and Ken Mutai for their crucial support towards completing my research. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Special thanks to all the staff of Extra Mural department and School of Continuing and Distance Education for giving me the opportunity to pursue the Masters program. Most students spend a lot of time to network with friends in the face book website. Most of the staff members lack computer skills. Teachers lamented on limited access to the available computers and restricted internet usage. In addition, use of ICT demanded a lot of time, for instance making slides for teaching, which they explained could slow down syllabus coverage. Some teachers however were not well versed with computer usage for teaching purposes, for instance preparing power point slides. Computers are being utilized for planning, preparation and administration.

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